La incertidumbre estructural en el problema de la sostenibilidad. Una panorámica.


  • Estrella Bernal Cuenca Universidad de Zaragoza. Departamento de Economía y Dirección de Empresa.


sustainability, emergency, irreducible uncertainty, consciusness, cognitive biology


When we incorporate the human aspect (together with the economic and environmental ones), to a system that intends to be sustainable, we are dealing with a complex, reflexive and emergent system. The reflexivity property means the existence of an uncertainty that cannot be reduced at all, but that needs to be managed if we pursue the sustainability of the system. This paper presents a survey of this management problem, and suggests the epistemological requirements to build an integrative methodology to manage non reducible uncertainty. Such requirements fulfilment involves the integration of elements of the Ecointegrative Approach from Naredo (2003), the Social Multicriteria Evaluation (Munda, 2004), the Pluralist Approach (Van Asselt, 2000), and the biology of knowledge (Maturana and Varela, 1987).



How to Cite

Bernal Cuenca, E. (2021). La incertidumbre estructural en el problema de la sostenibilidad. Una panorámica. Journal of Critical Economics, 1(8), 81–94. Retrieved from