La crisis económica mundial y la acumulación de capital, las finanzas y la distribución del ingreso. Debates en la economía marxista.


  • José Pablo Mateo Tomé Universidad pontificia de Comillas


economic crisis, Marx, rateof profit, finance, accumulation


This article examines some major components of the debates developed amongst Marxist authors regarding the global economic crisis that started in 2007. In particular, it analyzes the meaning of the crisis, the role of the rate of profit and the different causes for its decline, together with the explanations of the crisis on the basis of finance, neoliberalism and income distribution. A variety of explanations is presented, and also the distance between Marx and his followers becomes apparent. At any rate, the review highlights the aspects open to discussion by the specificity of the present crisis from the perspective of an approach in which the crisis is a necessary moment of the accumulation process.



How to Cite

Mateo Tomé, J. P. (2021). La crisis económica mundial y la acumulación de capital, las finanzas y la distribución del ingreso. Debates en la economía marxista. Journal of Critical Economics, 1(15), 31–58. Retrieved from