Economic situation and labor trajectories of young people in Argentina and France. A comparative quantitative approach


  • Mariana Fernández Massi CEIL-CONICET


young people, trajectories, Argentina, France


This article compares the dynamics of the labor market of young people in the period 2003-2009 in Argentina and France with longitudinal quantitative techniques. For this purpose, we present an analytical framework that distinguishes three effects: age, generation and conjuncture. The latter two assess how the socioeconomic situation of each country has conditioned the labor trajectories of young people. From the analysis of pseudopanels and transition matrices constructed on the basis of household surveys in each country, evidence shown on the disadvantages of this group with respect to adults in both countries. However, the differences in labor indicators of young people in both countries are not mainly explained by the economic situation, but by differences in job placement processes in each of them.



How to Cite

Pérez, P., & Fernández Massi, M. (2021). Economic situation and labor trajectories of young people in Argentina and France. A comparative quantitative approach. Journal of Critical Economics, 2(22), 30–48. Retrieved from