Trabajar la competencia ética a partir de los ODS. Una aproximación “crítica” desde la política económica.



teaching, economic degrees, ethical skill, SDGs, economic policy, critical competency


The introduction of the ethical competence in economics degrees has become a challenge for the teaching staff. Specifying its content is not trivial. The SDGs set in 2015 by the UN are thought as the backbone of this very competence, albeit with a debatable approach: often such competence is taught as if they were a sole universally and right "ethics". In this paper we analyse the SDGs using the analytical framework provided by the discipline of Economic Policy. In such analysis we identify a series of lacks, limitations, contradictions,... that lead us to posit that the SDGs should be used as a resource for the thinking of and the debate on ethical issues, without turning them into dogmas of faith.



How to Cite

Puig-Gómez, A. (2022). Trabajar la competencia ética a partir de los ODS. Una aproximación “crítica” desde la política económica. Journal of Critical Economics, (33), 59–69. Retrieved from