La privatización y los nuevos modelos de gestión en sanidad.


  • Marciano Sánchez Bayle Portavoz de la Federaci ó de Asociaciones para la Defensa de la Sanidad Pública


New Management models of Public Services have been developed in the context of privatization of public services that start in 1970s. Their justification is based in the hypothesis of the inefficiency of public provision and that market can provide efficiently all types of goods and services, included those with public character. However, empirical studies, both International and Spanish, indicate that private managed health is more expensive than public managed. An also appear problems on terms of equity and quality of the services. We analyze the development of this model in Spain and their development despite the evidences. There is a long-term strategy to transform health from universal service to a market good.



How to Cite

Sánchez Bayle, M. (2021). La privatización y los nuevos modelos de gestión en sanidad. Journal of Critical Economics, 1(6), 103–118. Retrieved from



Social, health and pension policy issues