Globalización del sector farmacéutico.


  • Lourdes Girona Jefe de sección del Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebron. Secretaria de la Associación Catalana per a la Defensa de la Sanitat Pública (ACDSP-FADSP)


globalization, pharmaceutical policies, pharmaceutical expenditures



  In the last decades, with the stabilisation of neoliberal politics, the pharmaceutical area has experienced a huge transformation involving fusions and acquisitions, becoming one of the most profitable sector in Economics. 1994 is crucial because the World Trade Organisation was created at this year, and the rights of intellectual property are recognised, also for drugs. The generalisation of the international system of patents has been the ground for the new model. But in developed countries, the spent in medicaments growths in a preoccupant way. The consequences of this growing pharmaceutical spent are still negative for the national health system in the developed world, and are catastrophic in less favoured lands and on people without health insurance.



How to Cite

Girona, L. (2021). Globalización del sector farmacéutico. Journal of Critical Economics, 1(6), 59–72. Retrieved from



Social, health and pension policy issues