Rusia: ¿hacia una economía petróleo-rentista?


  • Aurèlia Mañé-Estrada UB, Universitat de Barcelona
  • Carmen de la Cámara Arilla UB, Universitat de Barcelona


Specialists in Russia consider that this country tends to become an oil-rentier economy. In this paper we try to supply useful elements to check this hypothesis. In order to accomplish this goal, in the first place we establish at theoretical level which are the characteristics that make to consider an economy as a rentier one. Opposing the most extended tendency, that associates rentierism to a certain macroeconomic scene, we infer that the mere existence of this scenario does not turn an oil economy into a rentier economy, when certain political and social conditions are not fulfilled. Once established the key conditions for rentierism, we study the case of Russia. A systematic review of these conditions leads us to establish that in the present situation the diagnosis of rentierism for the Russian economy is far from being confirmed, in spite of some indicators that might show a certain tendency to it.



How to Cite

Mañé-Estrada, A., & de la Cámara Arilla, C. (2021). Rusia: ¿hacia una economía petróleo-rentista?. Journal of Critical Economics, 1(3), 69–96. Retrieved from



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