Differentiation and stratification of paid domestic work in Argentina (2003-2015)



  • Facundo Lastra Becario posdoctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)


domestic labour, labour market, differentiation


This article aims at analysing the characteristics and evolution of paid domestic work in Argentina during 2003-2015. With this purpose, we analyse the role of domestic work in social reproduction form the perspective of the Feminist Political Economy and the Social Reproduction Theory. We study the particular features of domestic work in Latin-America and its specificities regarding the differentiation of the working conditions. We put forward the historical context of Argentina during the period and we describe the changes that occurred in the labour market. Against this framework, we analyse the Permanent Survey of Households in order to identify the evolution of the differentiation and stratification of paid domestic work in Argentina. Lastly, we draw up our conclusions and the future lines of research



How to Cite

Lastra, F. (2021). Differentiation and stratification of paid domestic work in Argentina (2003-2015): subtitle. Journal of Critical Economics, 2(30), 1–21. Retrieved from https://revistaeconomiacritica.org/index.php/rec/article/view/146